July 27, 2019
Developing the Dynamic Manifesto I decided to test and experiment with the following Dynamic Manifesto. Due to its characteristics I may change it whenever it suits me. Insights from others may be quoted but taken, molded and interpreted to my own liking. It is highly personal, to encourage myself on a good or a bad day to do the next thing, to create and to reflect and to show people everywhere whatever I experienced, ...
June 27, 2019
EXISTIMATION noun plural -S (obsolete) 1. ESTEEM 2. OPINION 3. ESTIMATION Source: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/existimation EXISTIMOTION noun plural -S (recently introduced) 1. EXISTING IN MOTION, as beings exist and process through their interactive motions 2. ESTEEMED BUT ESTIMATED ...
March 04, 2019
Sensing the state of flux: interaction, human perception and layered experience Abstract The focus of this research paper is how interactions and aesthetic experiences come across in interactive arts. Being in the perceptive act of here and now with an activating artwork, this hybrid art form moves in-between the installation arts, the time-based arts and the performing arts. In this critical context the research ...
October 03, 2018
Blaise Pascal, French mathematician and philosopher (1623-1662) stated ‘We desire the truth, and find in ourselves only uncertainty’. Centuries later the English philosopher Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) reframed this statement in ‘What men want is not knowledge, but certainty’. Life is certainly uncertain. That is why it is important to reflect on the way we might deal with this ...
May 30, 2018